Pakistan: Karakorums

It has been exactly two years since we organized the iron stove project for poor families high up in the Karakoram mountains with Mariaassunta.

Mariaassunta has just returned from her trip to Karakoram, Askole, where she also works as a doctor.

She visited several families who received one of these stoves.

Fifty iron stoves with long flue pipes, which direct the smoke straight through the roof, were made by a blacksmith in Scardu and handed over to the mayor of the village of Askole for distribution to the poorest families with children.

The people enthusiastically confirmed that the new stoves retain heat much longer and, most importantly, that the smoke does not spread throughout the house but is vented directly through the roof, allowing them to breathe better air and protecting especially young children from lung problems.

Meanwhile, the roads and bridge that had been destroyed in a terrible storm have also been repaired.

This means that transportation of all kinds can now once again reach this remote area.

A heartfelt thank you goes to all of you who generously helped make daily life a little easier for these people in their small mountain villages!

You can follow the project in the photo gallery.

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