A success story in the startsocial competition 2023/24

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Patron of startsocial e.V., with the Federal Selection Initiative Happy Bambini e.V., represented by Manuela Fasshauer-Chersi and Gunvar Schloder, accompanied by their coaches at the startsocial award ceremony on June 4, 2024, in Berlin.

Recognition as a Top 100 Scholarship Holder

We are delighted that Happy Bambini successfully participated in the startsocial competition 2023/24. The news that we were among the Top 100 scholarship holders was a major achievement for us. This allowed us to further develop and optimize our project with the support of experienced coaches.


Top 25 Placement

Recognition as one of the Top 25 in the competition was another significant milestone for Happy Bambini. This award confirms the relevance and success of our work to promote education and development for children. More information about this important step can be found here.

Federal Award Ceremony at the Chancellery

 The highlight of our participation was the ceremonial award ceremony on June 4, 2024, at the Federal Chancellery in Berlin. Although we did not win any prize money, recognition by Chancellor Olaf Scholz was a special honor and a great acknowledgment of our efforts. The event provided a valuable opportunity to connect with other inspiring social projects and build valuable networks. More information about the award ceremony can be found on the startsocial-page.

Our Mission and Future

Since 2001, startsocial has supported voluntary social initiatives with advisory scholarships. In fall 2023, 100 social initiatives received a four-month advisory scholarship from startsocial. In the scholarship, top professionals from the business world helped initiatives further develop and professionalize their projects. Today, the 25 most outstanding initiatives of the competition were honored, with seven prize winners, including the Federal Chancellor’s Special Prize winner.

Our mission remains clear: to provide the best possible support for the education and development of children. This award motivates us to continue working with full commitment towards our vision. Every step we take is supported by our community, and we are immensely grateful for your loyalty and trust.

Together, we make a difference.

Best regards,

The Happy Bambini Team

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