Donate now


Our projects may not be large, but they help exactly where they are needed most. With just €5,000, we can make a significant impact. We stand by our work, and the results show that it’s worth it.

The decision to engage in a specific location largely depends on whether the local parents are willing to participate actively. By contributing to small tasks, they not only strengthen the sense of community but also embed the project deeply in their hearts.

Our resources are limited; we rely solely on donations. It’s important to note that none of our helpers receive any financial compensation. We deliberately avoid office spaces and other unnecessary expenses to ensure that every cent donated goes directly to supporting our projects.

We would be thrilled if you would place your trust in us to create a world of change together.

Donate Online

Make a meaningful difference with small acts. By donating, you can support our work. Every amount—no matter how small—helps us sustainably improve the living conditions of disadvantaged children and youth in developing countries!

Bank details

Happy Bambini e.V.

Spendenkonto: 3 262 715
EthikBank eG,

IBAN: DE69830944950003262715,

Donations to Happy Bambini e.V. are tax-deductible according to Section 10b of the German Income Tax Act. (Paragraph §§ 10b des Einkommenssteuergesetzes)

For donations up to €200 to a charitable organization, the simplified donation receipt (Section 50 Para. 2 No. 2 Letter b EStDV) is sufficient. You will need to submit the deposit slip of the transfer to your tax office.

For donations over €200, you will need a separate donation receipt from the recipient. Please provide your address when making the transfer.

We will automatically send you a separate donation receipt for tax purposes for donations of €200 or more. We confirm that your contribution will be used for tax-advantaged purposes within the meaning of Sections 51ff AO.

Individual donors will receive a donation receipt after their donation is processed. Regular donors will automatically receive a collective donation receipt in February of the following year. Upon request, we are happy to issue individual donation receipts as well.

For donations of €1,000 or more, we will gladly publish your name in our list of donors on our website.

Please try to avoid restricted donations. This allows us greater flexibility in using the funds, ensuring your donation reaches where it is most needed. However, if a particular project is close to your heart, you are free to support that specific one.

For Mongolians in Germany or Mongolia interested in donating to Mongolian children, you now have the option to donate directly through our branch in Ulaanbaatar, where the funds will be immediately used for the newly established kindergarten. We thank everyone for their generous support!

Jargaltai Huuhdiin Urguu
Ulaanbatar- 13381 Postbox- 539
Kto: 421004886
Bank des Beg.: TDBMMNUBXXX

Trade and development Bank of Mongolia


Shop and Do Good

Now you can shop online in over 400 stores and generate donations.

Shop and do good? Yes, it’s possible! With every online order from over 400 stores, you can now donate to Happy Bambini e.V. Simply click on the boost button and shop in one of over 400 stores. A portion of your purchase will automatically be donated to Happy Bambini e.V. at no extra cost.

Important: If you want to donate with your online purchase, the last click before the purchase must go through Happy Bambini e.V.! It’s best to save this link in your favorites.

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