Tumentsogt is located about 470 km from the capital, Ulaanbaatar. The small village has 2,475 inhabitants, with 224 children between the ages of 2-5 and around 800 school-aged children.
The local kindergarten was built in 1961, but the number of children attending is much higher than originally anticipated. Only 80% of the children can attend kindergarten. In nearby areas, it is impossible for children from nomadic families to attend kindergarten due to the lack of available spots and the distance they would have to travel daily.
In recent years, to allow nomadic children to experience at least a bit of kindergarten, the director and teachers have rented a van equipped with games, books, and everything needed: a table, a camping stove, etc. This allows the children to receive a meal during the day. The van stays for two weeks at various locations, and in each village, 10-15 children aged 2-6 are delighted. They eagerly await the van’s arrival.
To reach even more nomadic families, we are gathering information on the cost of a van that would permanently belong to the kindergarten.
We hope to raise enough funds soon to bring joy to even more children.
You can follow the project in the photo gallery.