This is a school located 30 km from Kandy.
It is a Tamil school for children from tea-picking families living in the village.
There are 132 children learning there and 14 teachers, with 75 children in the primary school and 57 in the secondary school. The school has classes from Grade 1 to Grade 11.
Before the renovation, the large double classroom had no windows or doors, so desks and chairs had to be moved to a secure room every evening before leaving to prevent theft.
The walls were very bare, just concrete with no paint.
Outside the classroom, some work needed to be done to ensure that water could drain away and not enter the classrooms.
Many parents helped with the renovation of the classrooms, mixing cement, carrying bags, and unloading the truck. The introduction of collective workdays showed that the women were very willing to assist in improving the condition of the school.
We decided to order 28 new tables and 56 chairs from a local carpenter to help the children focus better during lessons, with one table for every two children. The excitement was so great that the parents of each classroom chose the paint colors for the tables in their respective classrooms.
The mothers worked hard to paint the tables and chairs in various colors.
Now, the classroom, painted a beautiful yellow on the outside, can accommodate four groups of schoolchildren who will joyfully engage in their lessons.
We thank everyone who contributed their time and energy to make the school a more inviting place for their children.